Bring the Skylanders to Life™ and free the war-torn Battlegrounds! Choose your favorite Skylanders and face off against Kaos’ evil Warlord Army! Explore never before seen areas of Skylands, meet new friends and battle fierce enemies.
Skylanders Battlegrounds™ is an action packed adventure where you can play with two Skylanders at the same time. Unlock new powers and weapons to help you in the battle against Kaos and his warlords.
Application Name: Skylanders Battlegrounds™
Current Version: 1.3.2
iTunes Url:
Size: 804 MB
• Chapter 3 now live, defeat the maniacal mage Vengar and foil his plots.
• Unlock and upgrade powerful abilities for each Skylander
• Plan your attacks carefully in the Overworld
• Unleash devastating Portal Master powers, including Lightning Bolts and Dynamite
• Instantly swap Skylanders in and out of battle with the Bluetooth Portal of Power™
• Over 30 Game Center Achievements to unlock
• Import your Skylanders collection using the Portal of Power™ or Secret Codes
• Universal App with support for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch
GameSave for Non-Jailbroken and Jailbroken.
and extract it. Delete and reinstall the app. Logout of Game Center, Open the app till you get to the menu, then close the app from the multitask. Put the documents folder in the
「Battlegrounds\Documents」 using (iFile, DiskAid, iFunBox...) or other apps. It will ask you to replace the old documents folder, do so. Launch the game and don't load save from iCloud.
Erwecke die Skylander zum Leben™ und befreie die umkämpften Battlegrounds! Wähle deine Lieblings-Skylander und stell dich Kaos' Armee der bösen Kriegsherren! Erkunde bisher ungesehene Gebiete der Skylands, triff neue Freunde und kämpf gegen erbitterte Gegner.
Skylanders Battlegrounds™ ist ein actiongeladenes Abenteuer, das du mit zwei Skylandern gleichzeitig spielen kannst. Schalte neue Kräfte und Waffen frei, die dir helfen, Kaos und seine Kriegsherren zu bekämpfen.
Donne vie aux Skylanders et libère les Battlegrounds ! Choisis tes Skylanders préférés et affronte l'armée du maléfique Kaos ! Explore des zones inédites des Skylands, rencontre de nouveaux amis etbats de féroces ennemis.
Skylanders Battlegrounds™ est une aventure remplie d'action qui te permet de jouer avec deux Skylanders simultanément. Débloque de nouveaux pouvoirs et de nouvelles armes pour t'aider àbattre Kaos et ses sbires.
Dai vita agli Skylander e libera i Battlegrounds! Scegli il tuo Skylander preferito e affronta i perfidi Signori della Guerra di Kaos! Esplora aree di Skylands mai viste prima, stringi nuove amicizie ebatti contro nemici spietati.
Skylanders Battlegrounds™ è un action-adventure che ti consentirà di giocare con due Skylander insieme. Sblocca nuovi poteri e armi che ti aiuteranno nella lotta contro Kaos e i suoi scagnozzi.
¡Haz que los Skylanders cobren vida™ y liberen los Battlegrounds arrasados por la guerra! ¡Elige a tus Skylanders preferidos y enfréntate al ejército de malvados caudillos de Kaos! Explora Skylands, conoce nuevos amigos y lucha contra terribles enemigos.
Skylanders Battlegrounds™ es una aventura rebosante de acción en la que podrás jugar con dos Skylanders a la vez. Libera nuevos poderes y armas para que te ayuden en la batalla contra Kaos y sus caudillos.